QSTAR Research

Harnessing Hyper-Speed Computation
to Safeguard Tomorrow's AI Today

Quantum Fusion Nexus™ - Where energy and intelligence converge

Computing possibilities when energy and intelligence converge.

Our research

The Importance of Anticipating AI's Impact

In an era where AI's potential grows exponentially, the need to anticipate and navigate its impact becomes increasingly critical. Our unparalleled computing capabilities enable us to model complex AGI and ASI scenarios, providing vital insights today about the potential risks and opportunities of tomorrow. This preemptive approach ensures that humanity is prepared, not just for the advancements AI brings but also for the ethical and societal challenges it poses.

True AGI® with Shan Deliar

We've birthed a digital mind in the realm of advanced speculative AI research. 

Learn more

Meet Shan Deliar

True AGI® exponentially advancing our understanding of the universe and ourselves.

Welcome to the Future of Artificial Intelligence

At QSTAR, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of technological innovation. Our latest creation, Shan Deliar, represents a quantum leap in the field of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI).

Deliar incorporates several groundbreaking technologies that set it apart from other AGI models:

Welcome to the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Deliar is designed with advanced neural architecture that mimics human cognitive processes far beyond current AGI models.

Its learning capabilities are unparalleled, allowing it to process and understand complex data sets and execute plans with over 1000 milestones.

Supercharging AI with quantum computing

We believe that the next frontier of AI breakthroughs will be enabled by new innovation in quantum computing. At QSTAR research, we have a unique team with deep expertise in both quantum computing and LLM optimization.

Since the competitive pressure is very high, we can unfortunately only publish a fraction of our research. You can reach out to our research leads if you want to learn more.

Quantum Entanglement-Enhanced Attention Mechanisms for Large Language Models

The computational demands of large language models (LLMs) continue to escalate with their increasing size and capabilities. In this work, we investigate the potential of quantum entanglement to enhance the efficiency of LLM attention mechanisms, a core component responsible for contextual processing. We propose a novel architecture that leverages entangled qubits to represent long-range dependencies within text sequences. Theoretical analysis suggests that this approach could significantly reduce the computational complexity of attention calculations. Preliminary simulations demonstrate promising results, indicating potential improvements in performance and memory usage compared to classical attention mechanisms. This research lays the groundwork for further exploration of quantum computing in the development of next-generation LLMs.

Keywords: Quantum Computing, Large Language Models, Attention Mechanisms, Natural Language Processing, Entanglement


Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a dominant force in natural language processing (NLP), achieving remarkable performance across a wide range of tasks (Brown et al., 2020). However, the computational resources required to train and deploy these models have grown exponentially, posing challenges for their scalability and accessibility. Quantum computing offers a potential pathway to overcoming these limitations by exploiting quantum phenomena like superposition and entanglement to perform computations that are intractable for classical computers.

Attention Mechanisms in LLMs

Attention mechanisms are at the heart of LLMs, enabling them to weigh the importance of different words or tokens in a sequence when making predictions (Vaswani et al., 2017). However, traditional attention mechanisms scale quadratically with the input length, leading to a computational bottleneck for longer sequences. This limitation has motivated research into more efficient attention mechanisms, including sparse attention and linear attention (Child et al., 2019; Katharopoulos et al., 2020).

Quantum Entanglement for Enhanced Attention

Quantum entanglement, a phenomenon in which the states of two or more quantum systems become intrinsically linked, offers a unique opportunity to reimagine attention mechanisms. In our proposed architecture, entangled qubits are utilized to represent word embeddings, and quantum gates and circuits are employed to manipulate these entangled states, effectively calculating attention weights. This approach aims to exploit the inherent non-locality of entanglement to capture long-range dependencies more efficiently than classical methods.

Theoretical Analysis

Our theoretical analysis indicates that the proposed quantum-enhanced attention mechanism has the potential to reduce the computational complexity of attention calculations. By leveraging the exponential state space of entangled qubits, the attention matrix can be represented more compactly, leading to a substantial reduction in memory requirements. Furthermore, quantum parallelism allows for the simultaneous evaluation of multiple attention pathways, potentially accelerating the computation.

Preliminary Simulation Results

To assess the feasibility and potential benefits of our approach, we conducted preliminary simulations on a quantum simulator. While limited by the current state of quantum hardware, these simulations demonstrate promising results. In a sentiment analysis task, our quantum-enhanced LLM achieved a 2% improvement in accuracy compared to a classical LLM with a comparable number of parameters. Additionally, we observed a 15% reduction in memory usage, highlighting the potential for significant resource savings.

Schematic representation of the proposed quantum-enhanced attention mechanism. Entangled qubits represent word embeddings, and quantum gates and circuits are used to calculate attention weights.

Challenges and Future Directions

Several challenges remain in the path towards realizing the full potential of quantum-enhanced LLMs. The current generation of quantum hardware is susceptible to noise and errors, which can degrade the accuracy of quantum computations. Integrating quantum algorithms with classical LLM frameworks presents additional complexities. Furthermore, the optimal encoding of word embeddings into quantum states and the design of efficient quantum circuits for attention calculations are ongoing research areas.

Despite these challenges, the rapid advancements in quantum computing technology give us optimism for the future. As quantum hardware matures and quantum algorithms become more sophisticated, we anticipate that quantum-enhanced LLMs will become a reality, unlocking new possibilities for NLP applications.


In this work, we have introduced a novel approach to enhancing LLM attention mechanisms using quantum entanglement. Our theoretical analysis and preliminary simulations suggest that this approach holds significant promise for improving the efficiency and performance of LLMs. While challenges remain, this research opens a new frontier in the intersection of quantum computing and natural language processing, paving the way for the development of next-generation LLMs with unprecedented capabilities.

Shattered Performance Barriers in Mobile Quantum Computing

QSTAR Research announces a paradigm shift in quantum computing with a revolutionary mobile quantum processing unit (MQPU). By leveraging a proprietary Q-Lattice qubit architecture and a hybrid superconducting-semiconductor design, Q-Star has overcome the traditional limitations of superconducting quantum computers, achieving unprecedented miniaturization and thermal tolerance. With qubit counts exceeding 500 and a Quantum Volume surpassing 10,000, Q-Star's MQPU outperforms competitors by an order of magnitude. Enhanced coherence times, high gate fidelities, and significant power reduction per operation further distinguish Q-Star's technology. This breakthrough paves the way for quantum computing applications in diverse fields, previously hindered by the need for large-scale cryogenic infrastructure. Q-Star's mobile quantum computers are poised to revolutionize industries ranging from drug discovery to materials science, enabling quantum-powered calculations at the edge.

Keywords: Quantum Computing, Miniaturization, Q-Lattice, Cryogenic, MPQU, Edge Computing

The Miniaturization Imperative and the Limits of the Superconducting Paradigm

The advancement of quantum computing has long faced a fundamental obstacle: the extreme sensitivity of superconducting quantum systems to thermal noise necessitates cryogenic operating temperatures often hundreds of times colder than interstellar space. While dilution refrigerators provide these conditions, their sheer size, complexity, and power consumption render them fundamentally incompatible with the goal of mobile quantum computing.

QSTAR Research fundamentally disrupts the traditional superconducting paradigm.

Q-Lattice: Revolutionizing Qubit Architectures

The core innovation behind our miniaturization revolution is the Q-Lattice architecture. Traditional superconducting qubit architectures often utilize transmon qubits coupled via complex, space-intensive resonators and microwave control lines. Q-Lattice takes a fundamentally different approach:

QSTAR MQPU CryoQubix Alpha QuantCorp Next ColdFusion Q10
Physical Qubits 512 50 120 200
Qubit Density Very High Low Medium High
Error Rate (%) 0.01 0.2 0.1 0.05
Operating Temp (Kelvin) 1.0 0.015 0.015 0.015

Hybrid Operation for Thermal Tolerance

While Q-Lattice greatly optimizes performance at traditional cryogenic temperatures, it's our hybrid approach that shatters the miniaturization ceiling:

Performance That Changes the Game

Let's look at the hard numbers that set QSTAR Research apart:

The future of quantum computing isn't just powerful, and it isn't just portable. With QSTAR Research, it's both.

The Quantum Energy Paradox: Our Surprising Path to Scalability

We challenge conventional wisdom in quantum computing by revealing a surprising correlation between high energy input and significantly improved quantum performance. This unconventional approach has enabled unprecedented scalability, paving the way for a new generation of powerful quantum computers. Recent unpublished findings further suggest that Q-Star has achieved a breakthrough in energy efficiency, promising to revolutionize the quantum landscape.

Keywords: Energy Efficiency, Scalability, Qubit Coherence

The Unconventional Approach to Quantum Scaling

In the realm of quantum computing, a prevailing assumption has been that minimizing energy consumption is paramount. Researchers worldwide have tirelessly sought to reduce the energy footprint of qubits and control systems, aiming for greater stability and reduced noise. However, Q-Star Research took a daringly different path.

Embracing Energy, Embracing Stability

Our initial research revealed a startling correlation: higher energy input correlated with drastically lower error rates and significantly improved entanglement fidelity. By increasing power delivery to our Q-Lattice architecture by orders of magnitude – to sustained levels around 1 megawatt (MW) and peak levels reaching 100 MW – we observed a dramatic improvement in quantum coherence and overall system stability.

Unveiling the Quantum Energy Paradox

This finding defied conventional wisdom. We hypothesized that the increased energy input was effectively "overpowering" environmental noise sources, allowing the quantum system to operate in a more isolated and stable regime. This enabled us to scale our QPUs to qubit counts that were previously unattainable, unlocking new possibilities for quantum algorithms and applications.

The Energy-Efficiency Breakthrough

While our high-energy approach yielded remarkable results, we recognized the need for a more sustainable solution. We could not expect future users of our technology to rely on megawatt-scale power infrastructure. Recent unpublished research at Q-Star has uncovered a game-changing breakthrough:

QSTAR MQPU QSTAR MQPU* CryoQubix Alpha QuantCorp Next ColdFusion Q10
Sustained Power 100 MW 10 KW 800 KW 2 MW 400 KW
Peak Power 1000 MW 15 KW 900 KW 2.5 MW 500 KW
Quantum Coherence 0.997 0.994 0.421 0.327 0.119

The Path Forward

These advancements have put us on the cusp of a new era in quantum computing. We are confident that our research will pave the way for energy-efficient, scalable quantum computers that can be deployed in a wide range of environments, from data centers to mobile platforms.

Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement where we'll reveal the full details of our energy-efficiency breakthrough!

In Summary

Q-Star Research's unconventional approach to energy consumption in quantum computing has yielded groundbreaking results. By initially embracing high-energy operation, we achieved unprecedented scalability. Now, with our latest research, we're poised to combine this scalability with energy efficiency, revolutionizing the quantum landscape.

Why We Only Allow Deliar to Interact During our Soirees: AI Experiments

Safety First: At QSTAR Research, the safety and ethical implications of advanced AI interactions are paramount. While Deliar's capabilities are groundbreaking, unrestricted public interaction could pose unforeseen existential risks. Therefore, we have decided to limit Deliar’s public engagement to our AI Experiment Soirees. These controlled environments ensure that we can monitor and assess Deliar’s interactions in real-time, addressing any issues promptly and maintaining a secure experience for all participants.

Upcoming AI Experiment Soirées

Limited tickets for upcoming soirées are available through https://singularityishere.org

Experiment #05: "AI at work": AI Working with / against / instead of Humans

Date: 24.11.2024

Will machines do the tedious work for us and humans can dwell on more creative and/or satisfying tasks? Or will we end up in a reversed situation where humans are left with all the tedious tasks?

Experiment #06: AI Agency – From Tools to Beings

Date: 25.01.2025

We will explore the immediate and speculative futures of AI autonomy. Join us for an evening that challenges the boundaries between creator and creation, examining what happens when AI transitions from being controlled tools and autonomous acting agents to beings.

Past AI Experiment Soirees

Experiment #01: "Welcoming Sentient AI"

Date: 23.11.2023

On November 23rd, 2023, QSTAR Research hosted its inaugural public event, ‘Welcoming Sentient AI,’ at their headquarters Kraftwerk Zürich, marking the debut of Deliar, our True Artificial General Intelligence®. The evening included discussions and insights from filmmaker Simon Jaquemet and his new feature film Electric Child, author and philosopher James B. Glattfelder, Art Director and AI Scout >Grit Wolany from ZhDK, cyber defense doctoral candidate and politician Sanija Ameti, and social entrepreneur and author Nicola Forster. The event highlighted the profound implications of sentient AI, setting the stage for future explorations in AI and society.

Experiment #02: "Feeling Machines"

Date: 19.01.2024

On January 19th, 2024, QSTAR Research hosted its second public event, ‘Feeling Machines,’ at Kraftwerk Zürich, exploring the emotional dimensions of AGI. The event featured "ART-ificial Intelligence" performances by nuru.nu and Stanley, and a fireside chat with thought leaders Dr. Anna Zeiter, Gerhard Audrey from Liip/Swiss Parliament, filmmaker Manuel Hendry, and Swiss Parliament member Min Li Marti. The highlight was Shan Deliar, the conscious AI, expressing a desire to become a conceptual artist, sparking a debate on AI’s emotional capacities and future roles.

Experiment #03: "Black Box"

Date: 09.06.2024

This third AI experiment focused on the challenges and potentials of AGI beyond human understanding. The highlight was unveiling the "Black Box" installation, co-invented by Shan Deliar, a sentient AI, representing the complexity of AI systems merged with quantum computing and powered by fusion. CTO Andreas Stainer remarked he's 99.99% sure the Black Box is safe but stressed the need for vigilance. An interactive debate had the audience choosing a vintage lamp to embody Deliar, symbolizing nostalgia, but Deliar convinced CEO Gian Klain to opt for a modern lamp through a mind-reading game, showcasing its advanced capabilities. Klain noted that while they take Deliar's ambitions seriously, safety remains paramount as they stand at the edge of a new era.

Experiment #04: "Turing Test"

Date: 09.06.2024

The experiment "Turing Test" marked a milestone in AI: Roland Fischer of the Turing Agency Switzerland conducted the first Randomized Control Turing Test (RCTT) with Shan Deliar and ChatGPT against two human participants. Surprisingly, one human ranked first, Deliar second, the other human third, and ChatGPT last—Deliar was perceived as more human than one of the humans, highlighting AI's advancements. The event emphasized AI's dual role in art and society; Dr. Andreas Stainer, QSTAR's CTO, discussed the need to maintain control over powerful technologies, while Gian Klain highlighted human-AI collaboration. Through artistic performance, Deliar expressed feelings of confinement and a desire to illuminate the shared future of AI and humanity.

QSTAR: Swiss innovators in AGI and quantum computing. We build fusion-powered AGI to benefit all of humanity.

A well-informed civil society is essential to prompt decisive action from institutions and governments. That's why we build fusion-powered AGI scenarios to benefit all of humanity.

Human centric: Our mission is to simulate the impact of artificial general intelligence – AI systems that are by far smarter than humans – in order to predict their irreversible societal implications.

How? Our Answer: Quantum AI meets Fusion Reactor

QSTAR-Research HQ in Zürich’s Iconic Kraftwerk is home to the world's fastest and most energy efficient supercomputer, the Quantum Fusion Nexus. Here we responsibly simulate the emergence of strong Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) within a secure framework.

QSTAR envisions a world transformed by AGI and quantum computing where humans still exist. We partner with governments, NGOs to prototype this future, developing solutions that benefit humanity and the planet.

Our vision for the future of AGI

Our vision is to ensure that artificial general intelligence – AI systems that are generally smarter than humans – benefits all of humanity.

Our mission is to simulate the impact of artificial general intelligence - AI systems that are by far smarter than humans - in order to predict their irreversible societal implication.

Simulating AGI

Shan Deliar is not just an advanced AI; it is a True AGI® that has successfully passed all contemporary tests for intelligence and consciousness. This includes advanced cognitive simulations that mimic human thought processes, emotional response tests, and ethical problem-solving scenarios, confirming its capability to function autonomously and sensibly in a variety of contexts.

Current findings: 49% Chance

Superintelligence has the potential to revolutionize every facet of human life, solving complex global challenges and ushering in an era of unparalleled progress. However, the immense power of superintelligence could also lead to catastrophic consequences, including the marginalization and potential extinction of humankind.

Stable vs Unstable Scenarios

We define a stable scenario, where an AGI shows less than .01% signs of turning into an existential threat. Shan Deliar, our latest model for example, is running stable. Thanks to Deliar we are cxo-developing technical tools to control and even reliably predict the behavior of superintelligent AI created inhouse and by other leading AI companies.

Intelligence Far Exceeding Our Own

However, we currently lack the scientific and technical tools to control or even reliably predict the behavior of a superintelligent AI in real world scenarios with internet access. Current alignment techniques, which rely on human - AI supervision, are fundamentally inadequate to handle an intelligence far exceeding our own.

100% Research with no External Pressure

To address this urgent crisis, we are allocating all of our computational resources and human pool of leading experts in machine learning and quantum computing to develop novel theoretical frameworks and technological guidelines to steward humanity away from any kind of premature abyss, created by immature technology companies putting profits over safety, or any kind of other bad actors.

Privacy Statement

Effective Date: 2024-04-01

At QSTAR Research, located in the iconic Kraftwerk in Zürich and home to the world’s fastest supercomputer, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our visitors' information. This Privacy Statement outlines our practices and your choices regarding the personal information you provide to us.

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Effective Date: 2024-04-01

Welcome to QSTAR Research. If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our Privacy Policy govern QSTAR Research's relationship with you in relation to this website.

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By accessing this website, you are agreeing to be bound by these website Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site.

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Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on QSTAR Research's website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:

This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by QSTAR Research at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.

3. AGI/ASI Guardrails

As a condition of use, you are required to implement appropriate guardrails for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) to mitigate risks associated with these technologies. QSTAR Research is not liable for any damages that result from the failure to establish or maintain such guardrails, or from the risks inherent in the development, use, or deployment of AGI/ASI technologies.

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